Empowering you to make

We are the generation that is going to change the world!

Obesefans is a brand new initiative, built on the blockchain, that is striving to make a change and influence people’s lives by helping them improve their lifestyle, become healthier, and achieve their goals.


Obesefans is a brand new initiative, built on the blockchain, that is striving to make a change and influence people’s lives by helping them improve their lifestyle, become healthier, and achieve their goals.

A question we get a lot unfortunately. No, there will be no 18+ content on this platform. If any content creator breaches that rule, they will be instantly banned until further notice. We want to stay as family-friendly as possible.

As a content creator on ObeseFans you get the opportunity to kick-start both your healthy lifestyle and a potential business. There are millions of people worldwide suffering from financial hardships. Here at Obesefans, we aspire to help you overcome these financial hardships by offering you the necessary tools, resources, and income to better your situation and your life as a whole. Use our platform to help you gain the things you want and need: a gym membership, mental and physical health coaching, access to medical experts, healthy food, new clothes, and your other everyday needs. Your determination will be the key to your success, and we are here to help you with every step along the way! We intend to separate ourselves from many other companies out there, as this is not about money and shouldn’t be. This is about our bodies, our health, and ultimately survival. You only have one body and one life. Treat them both with the respect they deserve.

We understand that many people may be uncomfortable creating content, that is why we offer the option to create an anonymous profile. This anonymity not only keeps other members from knowing your identity, but we, the owners and operators of Obesefans, will not know your identity either. This will give those of you who choose this option the freedom to post content, tell your story, and help others without revealing yourself. You can also begin to build your followers and your personal community even while remaining anonymous. We offer various ways to post content so you have multiple choices to fit your comfort level. Below you will find a list of platform functionality. If you prefer to monetize your channel, your identity will be required. Monetization can begin when you reach 1000 or more followers.

Functionality list:

1. Blogs: write your thoughts, feelings, and experiences
2. Record audio: for those of you whom prefer speaking over writing
3. Podcasts: record and broadcast your interactive sessions with other members
4. Videos: for those of you whom prefer solo video content (video length: 5 seconds up to 30 minutes)
5. Live streams: host live streams during your workouts, while making a healthy meal, or any other time you are improving your health
5a. Battles: “battle” against other live-streamers. Create healthy competitions or conquer challenges/tasks from other viewers/followers. (This is to help motivate each other, lose those calories, and become healthier: ***No dangerous/harmful activity will be tolerated and you will be permanently banned if this occurs***)
6. More opportunities to come…

Yes there will be a token, the token ticker will be $CLRS which resembles Calories.


The Presale will be on the Binance Smart Chain. We will then allow our community to vote for their favorite networks to potentially migrate to.

Total supply:

We want to approach this in a unique way which is to fuel our ecosystem with our CLRS tokens, legitimate businesses, proprietary trading, risky but rewarding investments and more.

Currently we are developing our ecosystem with the following projects:

ObeseFans.com - Online Video/Streaming Platform to encourage people to live a healthier lifestyle and earn money.
ArabPepe.com - MEME/Liquidity Provider with the goal of becoming a healthier & halal choice in the candy industry.
NFANews.com - Automated news website for crypto / trading related subjects, affiliate marketing, free courses / trading material.
NFABot.com - Trading Bots & Indicator development, Copy Trading, Sniper, Portfolio management, Auto DCA.
GirthGigsters.com - Online crypto jobs, ESCROW service, Community crowdfunding.

Our Vision

We are a community of peers helping and motivating each other to exercise, lose weight, eat healthier, and live more vibrant, confident lives. We literally want to change the world.

We are here to build an all-inclusive community that supports and encourages each other to better their lives, achieve their goals, and make their dreams a reality.

Our Mission

We offer a social-media platform where anyone can become a content creator. Post videos to inspire others on your weight-loss journey.Build your following.

As former gamers we have identified a need within this community to offer support and help regarding obesity. How? find out soon!

About Us

Obesefans is a new initiative that is committed to making a positive impact on people`s lives. Our goal is to inspire individuals to improve their lifestyle, become healthier, and achieve their goals. We believe in the power of long-term lifestyle changes, and we are dedicated to providing the necessary resources and support to help individuals make those changes.

1.1+ Billion people
or more are overweight

350+ Million kids
were overweight in 2020

These numbers are not going to decrease by themselves! Just sitting back isn't the solution. That's why we are here to motivate people to make a change! Let's burn Calories!

Token Details

token name
ObeseFans Calories
token sale stages
token type
BEP-20 (Binance Smart Chain)
token symbol
Token contract address

Presale Details

current token sale price
token sale supply
exchange listing price

Security Audits

Cyberscope Audit

June, 2023


Coinscope Team KYC

June, 2023



start your journey

Start your journey here with the help of like-minded people and professionals; or even become a foundation member of ObeseFans and inspire others with your story.


We encourage you to change your lifestyle and improve your vitality in a sustainable way.

life changing

Changing your life starts with yourself. Being healthy and keeping that flame ignited is what helps us going forward, not by ourselves but together!

crowd funding

We provide you with simple ways to earn. Set up challenges for content creators and fellow supporters. Get those steps in, shed some pounds, earn...it's as easy as that!.


We are building this platform on a blockchain to make it accessible to the entire world.

earn money

Holding and using our $CLRS token gives you numerous advantages. Read more about that in our Whitepaper.

Our team

Farid Bouloue
Farid Bouloue


Nicholas Lukens
Nicholas Lukens

Co-Founder / Nurse / Biologist

Brandon Toon
Brandon Toon

NFT / Artist / Designer


Full-Stack Dev.

Justice Onyebuchi
Justice Onyebuchi

Front-end Dev.


Community Manager & Marketing




Nutritionist / Medic / Fitness expert


Algorithm / Engineer



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market watch
digital journal
Fox news
Market Watch
digital journal

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